Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring

Laser treatment for gum disease
November 29, 2017
Patient Education Skull
December 17, 2017


Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring

Is the reshaping of your gum right for you?

Having a beautiful smile is important not only for aesthetic reasons, but because it also raises self-esteem, improves confidence, and benefits a person’s mental health. People born with uneven gums, however, find it more difficult to develop the confidence to smile. Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring can solve this problem.Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring

But there’s no need to live with the smile you have. A straight, attractive gum line plays a significant role in that smile, and you can benefit from the right cosmetic dentistry treatment. Fortunately, modern dental technology offers a wide range of possible treatments to improve both your appearance and your health, with your surgical experience completely pain and worry free. If you have previously been cautious of any kind of gum contouring procedure, consider how using Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring can help you.

Patients who wish to reshape their gum line or remove a portion of gum tissue can often benefit from contouring with little risk and few side effects. Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring is used to alter the edge of a gum line, reshaping it to improve the aesthetics of one’s smile. When the gums are too high, too low, or simply uneven, they can make a smile appear unbalanced, as if the teeth or lips are also too high or low. However, a simple contouring procedure can bring a more natural and attractive look to one’s mouth, with nearly no risk to patients.Laser Esthetic Gum Recontouring

Because the effects are permanent, it’s also important to have accurate expectations for your results. Dr. Greenspan can help you decide whether gum reshaping is right for you, and can show you what your gums will look like after contouring, a visual representation of your projected results.

His use of laser in esthetic gum recontouring allows for an easier and more comfortable gum contouring than ever before, with increased benefits over the use of a traditional scalpel. These include greater surgical accuracy, a more even gum line, less discomfort, less bleeding during the procedure, less bleeding and discomfort during recovery, and a quicker recovery.

Dr. Ari Greenspan is a Dentist in Jerusalem
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